
Sales Contact

Our sales and customer relationship team is excited to hear from you!
You can reach them by:

Phone or Whatsapp: 0752 862 445
Available Mon-Sun 08:00-20:00

Don’t forget to subscribe to our channels to get the latest updates.
Instagram: arushafields
Facebook: Arusha Fields

Department Contact

Office: 0766 958 870
Mon-Sun 08:00-20:00

Management: 0752 921 155
Mon-Sun 08:00-22:00

Audit: 0759 945 282
Mon-Sun 08:00-20:00

Food Outlet

Shop & Service Center: Moshono
Shop and Service Center for all customers. Experience the full service and product variety of Arusha Fields.
opening in Q3/2024

Shop & Service Center: Soko Kuu
Shop and Service Center for all customers. Experience the full service and product variety of Arusha Fields.
Opening in Q3/2024